Yes, in fact there are 10 rules that should be part of your everyday lifestyle. These rules are known as the 10 Lap Band rules and they are your guide to a successful journey. If you are following ALL 10 of these rules you will find that the Lap Band is a very efficient weight loss tool. If you choose to omit or skip some of these rules you might end up struggling more then you need to and prolong your weight loss results.We highly suggest that you print out a copy of the 10 Lap Band rules and place them on your refrigerator – that way you are always reminded of them and can refer to them if needed

10 Lap Band Rules

  1. Eat only three main meals a day, plus two planned snacks.
  2. Eat slowly, taking pea-sized bites, and chew thoroughly until your food is a mushy consistency.
  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel restriction from the band. This will feel different from the “full” sensation you had prior to your lap band surgery.
  4. Do not drink with meals, or for one full hour after eating.
  5. Do not eat between meals, or planned snacks.
  6. Eat a variety of high quality nutritional foods.
  7. Consume recommended amounts of fiber daily.
  8. Drink 64-100 ounces of non-caloric fluids between meals.
  9. Do not drink carbonated beverages of any kind.
  10. Exercise 30-60 minutes on most days.