Sure, we’ve all learned to chew at a young age, but most people don’t realize the importance of properly chewing food. But for people that have a Lap Band, taking small bites and really chewing their food is even more important then ever before. Mastering this one little task will make all the difference in the world when it comes to eating with after having Lap Band Surgery.

Chewing food thoroughly has numerous benefits, such as improving digestion and appreciation of food, reducing appetite and cravings, eliminating bad breath and excessive gas, and strengthening the immune system, along with many others.

Here is how to chew properly to reap all those benefits.

dining-etiquette-tips-M5_A11c_1084-150x150Give yourself enough time.

Do not eat while you are in a rush. Instead, allow yourself enough time so that you can take your time and chew thoroughly. Manage your time so you are not in a hurry.






dining-etiquette-tips-M5_A11g_1098-150x150Cut the food into small portions.

It is important not to put too much in your mouth at once, as this makes it more difficult to chew the food thoroughly. The smaller the bites, the better.






500px-Chew-Food-Properly-Step-3-150x150Chew thoroughly.

Although the exact number of chews vary with the texture of the food and the salivary glands of the person, the food should be a complete liquid and lose all texture.






500px-Chew-Food-Properly-Step-4-150x150Swallow slowly.

Do not gulp an entire mouthful of food down your throat at once. This can cause choking or damage to the esophagus.







Wait until you are completely finished chewing before taking another bite.

Give yourself enough time to let the food pass through your esophagus before putting more in your mouth. It is helpful to put your knife and fork down in between bites to avoid this.

Be sure to drink at least six to eight glasses of water between meals each day to enhance saliva production. This will aid in the digestion process.

Foods that are already mostly liquid, such as jello or yogurt, should be chewed or moved around in the mouth, the same as solid foods to allow the saliva to break them down before entering the stomach.