Affirmation statements can be very helpful in “programming in” new attitudes, thoughts and feelings in order to be successful in what you want to achieve. Human nature does not need any coaching with negative thinking. These affirmations promote positive thinking and are more powerful in re-programming thoughts and feelings when you repeat them out loud, and not just “think” or whisper them. It is recommended that you select a few of these that touch you as most personal and relevant, and repeat them often, loudly and firmly, even though “the power” of the statement or the corresponding feeling may not be experienced at that moment. As you keep repeating them they will become part of your “programming” and mind-set, and the feeling will begin to match the words. Feel free to select the ones that touch you the most, and drop, postpone or ignore the others. Feel free to re-phrase any statement to make it more personal



I affirm my ability to achieve my goal

I affirm my choice to be as healthy as I can be

I affirm my ability and power to be a surgery success

I affirm my ability to choose health and a longer life

I affirm my choice of having had weight surgery for me

I affirm my courage in choosing a healthy life

I affirm my efforts and decision to live a long life

I affirm the power I have to make behavior changes to be successful

I affirm the power of my mind to manage my eating behaviors

I affirm the new “me” I have chosen to be

I affirm my ability to be as thin as I choose to be

I affirm my new-found energy for life

I affirm my choice to have surgery despite doubts and frustration

I affirm the courage I have found in the face of fears

I affirm and honor my courageous spirit to shape who I want to be

I affirm my power to silence the whispers of fear and failure inside

I affirm my choice to make the behavior changes to be successful

I affirm my right not to defend my choice of surgery

I affirm my choice to control emotional eating

I affirm my choice to control binge eating

I affirm my ability to control night-eating patterns

I affirm my ability and choice to control snacking

I affirm the power I have to achieve my weight loss goals

I affirm my choice not to scare myself of failing

I affirm my ability to control the impulse to cheat

I choose to follow the guidelines for success

I choose to control any impulse to cheat and sabotage myself

I affirm my right to seek the support of others in my endeavor

I affirm my strength in reaching out to others for help and support

I affirm the power of my mind to lead me to success

I affirm the power of my mind to be healthy

I affirm my ability to make the choices today to eat healthy

I affirm my ability to take charge of what I put in my body

I affirm my ability to choose only healthy foods

I affirm my ability to stay on track as challenging as it may be

I affirm my ability to get back on track

I choose to silence self-criticism and self-judgment

I choose to begin feeling good about myself

I choose to begin to eliminate self-doubts that creep in

I choose to affirm my ability to be the person I choose to be

I affirm my ability to program in positive thoughts about myself

I affirm my positive thinking

I affirm my choice to accept all feelings I experience

I acknowledge distressful feelings are part of being human

I affirm my ability to learn healthier ways to manage painful feelings

I affirm the one certainty that feelings change

I affirm my ability to learn to change feelings more effectively

I affirm my ability to be happy with me

I affirm my ability to begin feeling thin

I affirm my right to choose to be the person I want to be

I affirm my right to ask for help when I need it

I affirm my ability to influence my whole family to eat healthy

I choose to work toward my changing eating patterns

I affirm my power to change my eating patterns

I affirm my emotional strength

I choose to focus on my emotional strength today to eat healthy

I affirm my courage in choosing this step in my life

I affirm my ability to generate encouraging thoughts about me today

I choose to continue to affirm myself in the absence of immediate change

I affirm that I am in control of my behavior

I choose to begin to interrupt negative thoughts about myself today

I affirm my right to interrupt self-doubts and self-criticisms

I choose to re-assure myself of my ability to continue losing weight

I choose to affirm myself more often

I choose to begin to enjoy positive feedback about me

I acknowledge the reality that at times I will feel overwhelmed

I affirm my ability to shape my reality in a positive way

I affirm my ability to minimize the fears that pop up

I affirm my right to not frighten myself

I affirm my ability to face my fears

I choose to learn how to control unwelcome feelings

I choose to trust the promise of this surgery

I affirm the partnership of the clinical team in my endeavor

I affirm that reaching out is a sign of my strength

I affirm the choice I have to feel positive or negative

I affirm my choice to be positive in my life

I choose to risk trusting my ability to achieve my weight loss goals

I affirm my ability to enjoy being in my new body

I affirm ability to begin changing my body image

I affirm my choice to be the best that I can be



I choose to begin feeling positive about myself

I affirm my right to feel good about myself

I affirm my choice to feel trusting of myself

I choose to begin to interrupt negative thoughts about myself today

I choose to begin to think positively about myself

I affirm my right to feel positive about myself

I affirm my right to stop self-critical statements

I affirm my right to interrupt my self-doubts

I affirm my abilities to begin to change negative feelings

I choose to begin to stop feeling inadequate

I choose to reassure myself of my ability to feel better

I choose to change self-discouraging thoughts

I choose to affirm myself more often

I choose to re-assure myself that unhappy feelings can change

I affirm my ability and strength to change

I choose to stop self-doubts as often as I can

I choose to stop comparing myself to others

I affirm my right to feel good about myself

I affirm my right to stop feeling bad about myself

I choose to remind myself of the support of my spouse and children

I choose to remind myself that I can stay positive during the day

I affirm my ability to gain self-confidence

I affirm my right to believe in myself

I choose to stop feeling inferior to others

I affirm my right to feel as good as other people