Gain-the-Confidence-to-Work-Out-articleToo embarrassed to exercise? You’re far from alone. Try on these ideas to boost your confidence and reach your fitness goals.

Exercise: Overcoming Fitness Shyness

Pat yourself on the back for taking some big steps in deciding to exercise, purchasing the right clothing, and then having the drive to fulfill your urge to be more physically fit. You just need to feel comfortable. A T-shirt that is one size too big, loose-fitting shorts or sweats, and some very nice shoes will do the trick. This helps to ease any issues of body image and shyness about how you look. Once you realize that you are now part of a huge fitness family, all geared towards health, you will feel better about your new workout uniform.

stairclimb-300x211Pick the right place.

You don’t need to start your exercise routine in a crowded gym. For those who are extremely shy, I would recommend starting exercising at a local park, outside your home, or inside your home. Find a spot or space you are completely comfortable and familiar with.



hoolaLocate the right gym.

Some women may be more comfortable in an all-female exercise program. There are even programs exclusively for overweight women. “I would highly recommend you get a one-month membership before you commit to a lengthy contract. Get to know the people and see if this crowd is really for you.



19fgwummc2u63jpgFind an exercise buddy.

Whether you exercise in a gym or outside, you will feel less shy if you have a friend to exercise with. Find a buddy with the same weight-loss goal or exercise program. You will be amazed at how having a partner to exercise with will make you forget about any shyness issues you have.



blog-fitnovatives-100614Choose a coach.

Another common concern among exercise newcomers is not knowing how to use the gym equipment properly. “When you are ready for a gym, I strongly recommend you get excellent coaching on form and technique before going off on your own. A main reason why some gym members may stare at someone is because that person is doing an exercise wrong, is using improper form, or may be doing repetitions not truly conducive to fitness. Take the time to get educated, and once you are, be confident in your movements.

Exercise is an important part of losing weight and getting fit. Don’t shortchange yourself because of shyness. Remember that many others feel the same way you do and you are all working toward the same goal. The good news is that once you become confident and overcome your shyness, research shows that having people around can boost your performance.