No matter how many food plans you try, healthy or unhealthy, there are some fundamental things you must know in order to be successful in a weight loss program that, believe it or not, have nothing to do with food.

1. Readiness- Are you ready to make change in your life right now?
In order to have true lifelong weight loss experience, you have to commit to trading your old habits in for a new healthier lifestyle. This has more to do with readiness for change than a desire to shed pounds — there is a big difference.

2. Developing a Vision
It is crucial to have another more heart-felt reason to lose weight other than losing pounds and appearance. This is because when times are tough — and they will be during any change process — you will need an internal reason to lose the weight to keep you motivated.

3. Be Prepared For Change
All weight loss requires us to change a habit yet no one warns us about the process of change. The first thing to know is that the beginning of change is difficult and uncomfortable. This is because it forces us to switch off the autopilot and focus on our new behaviors. Luckily it takes about 21 days to make a new habit and the uncomfortable part goes away and our new habits become autopilot.

In addition to those lifestyle changes, success with the band requires you to follow all of the recovery diet orders, and follow all 10 of the Lap Band rules. Personal responsibility includes:

Following up with fills when necessary;
Listening to your body;
Using the band as a tool in your overall plan;
Making better food choices and implementing a healthier lifestyle that includes daily activity;
Being a self advocate for what you may need during the post-surgery period;
Asking for support when you need it. We are here to help you with any need you may have.
Simply put, the Lap Band is not a magic wand but rather a valuable tool that when used with a modified healthy diet, regular physical activity, and healthy lifestyle, can lead to many years of permanent weight loss.