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Post Surgery

Will I have trouble finding a physician that will assist me in an emergency?

If you ever require emergency care, go to the emergency room in your area. An ER is required to provide care to anyone regardless of where you had your procedure. Your Primary Care Provider should have no problem helping you. Let your Primary Care Provider know of your surgery so he can be prepared to assist you with your medical needs (even if it is only to stabilize the situation to allow you […]

Will I have trouble finding a physician that will assist me in an emergency?2016-12-12T22:23:59-08:00

Will I be able to function during the days following my surgery?

We highly recommend that patients take it easy and rest as much as possible following their surgery. However, you can resume normal actives such as getting ready for the day, walking, ect. as soon as your body feels up to it. For some people that is the day after, for other it’s day 3. Please keep in mind that exercising, heavy lifting and other strenuous movements that can jeopardize your band are forbidden […]

Will I be able to function during the days following my surgery?2014-07-11T03:26:44-08:00

What is a post-op diet like after surgery?

It is extremely important for the long term health of your Lap Band that you follow the postoperative diet to the letter. The stomach normally goes through a twisting, wringing type motion when food is eaten. Because it is so important in the immediate postop period to keep the stomach as quite as possible, Dr. Kuri has chosen to have you on a liquid diet for the first 15 days after the surgery. […]

What is a post-op diet like after surgery?2014-07-11T03:26:23-08:00

Is there a staple rule to refer to if I have trouble with the Lap Band?

Yes, in fact there are 10 rules that should be part of your everyday banded lifestyle. These rules are known as the 10 Lap Band rules, and they are your guide to a successful journey. If you are following ALL 10 of these rules, you will find that the Lap Band is a very efficient weight loss tool. If you choose to omit or skip some of these rules, you might […]

Is there a staple rule to refer to if I have trouble with the Lap Band?2014-07-11T03:25:53-08:00

How long is the recovery time for this kind of surgery?

Most newly banded patients can return to work or resume normal activities within 3-7 days after lap band surgery. It is important to get up and move around, take short walks, and get adequate rest while your body is still recovering from the effects of surgery. Please remember that there is no lifting greater than 10 lbs for the first 6 weeks. If your job requires any heavy lifting or twisting motions, you […]

How long is the recovery time for this kind of surgery?2014-07-11T03:25:02-08:00
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