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Aftercare & Education

Aftercare & Education2016-12-12T22:23:16-08:00

How Do You Stay Motivated?

Staying motivated can be tough under the best circumstances. So what happens to your healthy eating and exercise goals when the chips are down? Often, they get pushed aside and bad habits sneak back into the daily routine. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Monday, June 2, 2014|Tags: , , |

Mindful Eating Mantras

Mindful eating can help you see food in a new way. When food is no longer the enemy, you can observe your thoughts, feelings, actions and results without judgement, guilt or shame. This is a list of 40 Mindful Eating Mantras. Mantras are statements that you repeat to yourself to keep your mind pointed in a helpful direction.

Improving Your Chances for a Successful Fill

Although doctors and fill providers make every effort to give their patients a perfect fill level every time, it is not always possible to predict how a patient will respond after receiving a fill adjustment. There are however, certain things that can be done to increase your chances of getting a good fill the first time.

Lions and Tigers and Bears….Oh My – Overcome The Guilt of Overeating

As a nation, we clearly have a problem with overeating. The reasons people overeat, however, are varied. It’s reasonable to imagine that nearly everyone trying to manage their weight feels guilty when they overeat. There’s a reason they call it “stuffed.” It doesn’t feel good being bloated, especially after some time of eating reasonable portions and re-training the stomach to understand what a comfortable, full feels like.

107 Fantastic Motivational Reminders for Why You Want to Lose Weight

    107 Fantastic Reasons To Lose Weight  1. To feel better about myself. 2. To increase my feelings of self worth. 3. To be able to run and jump without worrying about hurting myself. [...]

Remember your reasons for losing weight

Have you ever had the experience of wanting to lose weight so badly, having so many great reasons to eat better and exercise more… and then the second you get stressed out or find yourself in front of your favorite food all that flies out the window?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013|Tags: |

How to Start a Weight Loss Blog

When it comes to losing weight, being accountable for your actions is one of the main ways to find long-term success. Start a weight loss blog and invite your online friends to read it every week.

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